All types have their strategy. For Manifestors, it’s informing. Informing is essential for us as it removes resistance from everything we do.
As important as it is, a lot of Manifestors go through a steep learning curve when it comes to informing. It just doesn’t come easy.
Below, I’m sharing how you can master the strategy for our type.
It may feel uncomfortable at first, but is totally worth it.
How to Inform
In my own experiment, I’ve noticed the how in informing is most critical.
Effective informing is a lot like an announcement at a train station.
“The express train to Paris is leaving at 9.00 am from track 12.” In a real-life example: “I’m leaving the house at 9 to go to the grocery store and then to the mall for some shopping. I expect to be back around noon.”
You tell the people who need to hear it - those that will be affected by your action - and then you move, no ifs or buts.
Inform with detachment and intent, then follow it up by action.